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Hymn Arrangements

The arrangements shown below are all based on the words and melodies found in the hymnbook of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - so the basic melody of the arrangement will be familiar to you if you are familiar with the hymn.


To hear the computer rendition of the arrangement, please click the arrow button. To see the printed music and/or download the pdf document for the arrangement, please click the "Sheet Music" link.

A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief

Instrumental only. Church Music Submission (2017-Instrumental), Finalist for Violin, Cello and Piano arrangement. 

00:00 / 04:24

Violin, Cello and Piano


00:00 / 04:24

Piano solo


Abide With Me   

The first two verses are unison - women first and men second. The third verse uses all 4 parts for the choir.

00:00 / 04:29

SATB, with Flute


00:00 / 04:30

Vocal Solo, with Flute


Awake and Arise


00:00 / 02:42


Beautiful Savior

00:00 / 02:57


Based on the Spencer Cornwall arrangement found in The Choirbook. Primary difference is instead of a soprano descant on the last page, all 4 parts have been re-written thru the end with a couple of added "Amens".


Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy

00:00 / 02:27

SATB, with optional violin and cello


00:00 / 02:27



Christmas Piano Preludes

Instrumental only.


00:00 / 02:29

Angels We Have Heard On High

Hymn #203, 2 verses

00:00 / 02:44

Away in a Manger

Hymn #206, 2 verses


00:00 / 02:43

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Hymn #209, 2 verses


00:00 / 01:57

It Came upon the Midnight Clear

Hymn #207, 2 verses


00:00 / 02:13

O Little Town of Bethlehem

Hymn #208, 2 verses


00:00 / 02:59

Silent Night

Hymn #204, 3 verses


00:00 / 02:01

The First Noel

Hymn #213, 2 verses


Download all 7 in one file


Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth

00:00 / 02:42



Come, Come Ye Saints

Instrumental only.

00:00 / 04:42

Piano solo


Come, Follow Me

00:00 / 03:35


1st and 3rd verses use the traditional melody, the 2nd and 4th use an alternate melody and the last verse is different than any of the others.


Come, O Thou King of Kings

00:00 / 03:32



Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd

00:00 / 05:00



Dearest Children, God Is Near You

00:00 / 01:04

Hymn Format

This arrangement uses the original melody and much of the original harmony.


Did You Think to Pray?

00:00 / 03:25



Does the Journey Seem Long?

00:00 / 02:50


This is basically the hymn harmony with some liberties taken in the note values and a couple minor variations.


Each Life That Touches Ours for Good

00:00 / 03:26

Vocal Solo, Optional Cello


Easter Hosanna

00:00 / 02:24

SATB, Optional Violin and Cello

Families Can Be Together Forever

Church Music Submission (2016-Hymn Arrangements), Finalist. 

00:00 / 03:25



00:00 / 03:08

SAB, Optional Violin and Cello


Father In Heaven

00:00 / 03:11

SATB, Optional Flute


For Our Devotions, Father

00:00 / 04:10



From All That Dwell Below the Skies

00:00 / 04:03


The division in the soprano and alto parts is only for a couple of measures in the last verse.


God Be With You Till We Meet Again

Mostly unison for the voices. SATB for the last chorus.

00:00 / 03:37



God Is Love

00:00 / 04:04


1st verse basic hymnbook, 2nd verse men unison, 3rd verse alternate harmony.


God of Our Fathers Known of Old

00:00 / 02:57



God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand

00:00 / 03:26


On the last verse the second sopranos carry the melody while the first sopranos have a descant/harmony part.


Church Music Submission (2021-Arrangements for Mixed Chorus), Special Recognition.


Great God, Attend While Zion Sings

00:00 / 03:16


I think this hymn has the prettiest melody in the hymnbook. Accompaniment brings in some of the musical phases from "As the Dew From Heaven Distilling".


Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

The "Amen" at the end breaks into 8 parts - but that is the only place and could probably be reduced back to 4 fairly easily.

00:00 / 02:50




How Long O Lord Most Holy and True

00:00 / 03:07


This is basically the hymn harmony with a 1st soprano descant part on the last verse.


I Am a Child of God

00:00 / 03:32



I Know That My Redeemer Lives

On the last chorus there are splits for the tenors and sopranos, and two notes where the altos split.

00:00 / 04:02

SATB, Optional Violin and Cello


00:00 / 04:02



I Need Thee Every Hour

00:00 / 03:20

SATB, Optional Oboe


The melody to the verses has been altered and the chorus is a new melody. But since the verses were based on the hymn I have included it in this section, rather than the "Original Compositions" section - but a lot of this is new.


I Stand All Amazed

00:00 / 04:28


Vocal Solo


I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go

00:00 / 04:13

Piano solo

Instrumental only.


In Hymns of Praise

00:00 / 04:25


There is also a new melody inserted in this arrangement (in addition to the traditional melody).


Church Music Submission (2022 - Arrangements for Men's/Women's Chorus), Special Recognition for SSAA version.


00:00 / 04:12



The choral arrangement requires a good, strong men's section in the choir.


Church Music Submission (2020-Instrumental Music). Special Recognition for piano solo. The piano solo was based on the choral arrangement. Violins were added to the solo for the duet version.


Joseph Smith's First Prayer 

00:00 / 03:50


00:00 / 04:02

Piano solo

00:00 / 04:02

Violin Duet



Joy to the World

00:00 / 02:31

SSATB, Organ, Piano, Violin and Congregation


Let Zion In Her Beauty Rise 

00:00 / 02:24



More Holiness Give Me

00:00 / 03:13


The divisions for the altos and the basses are not many. The first verses are mostly unison - women first, men second, all on the last. 


Now Let Us Rejoice

00:00 / 03:58


It does break into 7 parts (SSAATBB) for a few notes towards the end - for the most part it is SATB.


O Saints of Zion

00:00 / 03:14



O Thou Kind and Gracious Father

00:00 / 03:04


This does split into 4 parts for the women for a couple of measures in the last verse.


The first verse is women unison, second verse is men unison. The last verse is where the 8 parts are needed. In this arrangement, the second and third verses are reversed. The second verse is the one that begins "Yea Lord we greet thee...", and the concluding verse is the one that begins "Sing choirs of angels..."


The 2nd version has the option of including the congregation on the melody on the last verse. It also has optional violin and cello parts.


00:00 / 03:24

SSAATTBB, Optional Violin, Cello and Congregation



00:00 / 03:31


Oh, Come All Ye Faithful


Once in Royal David's City

00:00 / 02:43

Piano and Optional Organ and/or Congregation

This is designed as accompaniment for congregational singing. "Once in Royal David's City" is hymn number 205 in the Church's Hymnbook. This accompaniment is to add to the organ and congregation. It may also be used as a solo, but the melody is lost on the 3rd verse. There are no changes in harmony so the congregation and organ may use the parts written in the hymnbook and they will fit well together.


Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice

00:00 / 02:36



Praise to the Lord the Almighty

The third verse is 4 part men. 1st Sopranos have a descant part on the last verse. 

00:00 / 03:29

SATTBB, with Descant and Optional Violin



Sopranos divide only on the last chorus.

Praise to the Man

00:00 / 03:28

SSATB, with Tenor Solo


Rock of Ages

00:00 / 02:25



00:00 / 02:35

Piano solo


The First Noel

00:00 / 04:16


Church Music Submission (2020-Arrangements for Men's/Women's Chorus), Special Recognition for TTBB.


I found a rendition of the TTBB arrangement on YouTube by Adventus Vocal Group. It's in Romanian (S-a născut Emanuel) and very nicely done. They embellished the accompaniment a little and added some vocal upper harmony on the last phrase - wish I would have thought of it. A link to their performance is included.


00:00 / 04:14

Soprano Duet



The Iron Rod

00:00 / 03:56



The Lord Is My Shepherd

00:00 / 03:12

SATB, with Flute


We Ever Pray for Thee

00:00 / 04:08


1st Verse, women only melody. 2nd verse, men only melody. 3rd verse harmonies are the same as the hymnbook. Tag ending may be omitted by going directly from the end of measure 64 to measure 72 and having the choir hold the last chord (the one on 64) for an additional measure.

We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet

00:00 / 03:16


4-part men on the 2nd verse. Piano part on the last verse is not easy.


Where Can I Turn for Peace?

First verse men unison, second verse women unison with some harmony, last verse is 4 parts. A version of this arrangement with an alternative treatment of the 3rd verse was a Church Music Submission (2010-Hymn Arrangements) Finalist and is published at


Church Music Submission (2021-Arrangements for Men's/Women's Chorus), Award of Merit for TTBB.


This arrangement was performed at the 2022 Annual Church Music Festival, "Rejoice!"

With Wondering Awe

00:00 / 03:21




00:00 / 03:26



Vocal Solo


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